Whether you’re looking for something new to do with the kids or planning an amazing local birthday party, you need these Kid-Friendly Activities in Fort Lauderdale to spark your creativity and your child’s interest! Whether you want to indulge the kids or tire them out, these places are sure to make everyone happy. Funderdome is so much more than an indoor playground, the Museum of Discovery and Science is a fun and educational way to spend an afternoon, and Rainforest Cafe is a great place to take the whole family while enjoying a meal and the animals of the tropics.
Known primarily as an indoor playground, Funderdome has activities for kids ages 4 to 16. With 8,600 feet of air conditioned play space, this shoe-free zone features: a safe-play toddler area separate from the big kids, a rock-climbing wall, a balance-testing elevated rope walk, basketball, soccer, slides, an interactive game floor, and air cannons. Whether your child is competitive or cooperative, there is a game to be played and an area to be explored at Funderdome. Additionally, there are classes available such as: yoga, foreign languages, and baby-and-parent, which make this one of the best Kid-Friendly Activities in Fort Lauderdale.
If you haven’t been to the Museum of Discovery and Science lately, you haven’t seen the EcoDiscovery Center, which is twice the size of the original museum and features something for everyone. This museum is fun, educational, and one of the top Kid-Friendly Activities in Fort Lauderdale. There is a special section, the Discovery Center, for kids under 7. Older kids will enjoy taking a simulated flight to Mars, petting an alligator, seeing sharks and reefs, and over 200 exhibits. There is also an IMAX theater showing high definition and 3D movies in stadium seating
Think dining out is just for adults? Think again! Sure, you can take the kids to just about any restaurant, but Rainforest Cafe is one of the best Kid-Friendly Activities in Fort Lauderdale because its rainforest-simulating decor is interesting to look at, keeps kids entertained with activity books, has an element of education, and is actually geared toward the family – including both the big kids and the little ones. Their menu features 10 dishes just-for-kids that goes beyond chicken fingers to include poppin’ shrimp and python pasta; but you’ll love the menu, too!
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