Bluefoot Pirate Adventures

“A pirate’s life is the life for me.” It’s hard to find that kind of life in the sunny seas of Fort Lauderdale, but there is one boat out there that understands it. Tucked behind the Bahia Mar lies the hidden gem of Bluefoot Pirate Adventures. It’s not just about looking like a pirate here. You’ve got to talk that talk, or walk the plank. Arr, Matey! Click Here for InTown’s Gallery of Bluefoot Pirate Adventures.
Bluefoot Pirate Adventures offers a real journey for the whole family. They dress you up like a pirate (swords, eye patch, and all) and teach you to talk like one as well. Not once will they let up on their buccaneer character, especially first mate “Quick-Handed Jill”. As Captain Kyle steers the ship during your journey, the kids get to do it all! They begin their voyage by looking for the key to a treasure chest. With the help of a map, they match the colors of the mansions off the Intracoastal Waterway to their map. Click Here for InTown’s Gallery of Bluefoot Pirate Adventures.
As you enjoy the cool breeze of the waters, the mini-pirates are off blasting their water cannons against the evil Barnacle Bill who comes by to try and steal their treasure chest. You can never go wrong when kids get to spray water in someone’s face. Alas, with the help of Davy Jones (that’s right), the key to the chest is found and treasure is shared among all on the ship. Yes, Bluefoot Pirate Adventures is truly something different. They provide an amazing pirate voyage that you can’t find anywhere else. As they say, “Bluefoot is the finest pirate ship in Broward County”! True, they are the only pirate ship in Broward County, but that statement still stands strong. Click Here for Bluefoot Pirate Adventures’ website.
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